Quotes & Estimates

Quotes, or estimates, are good for 30 days unless stated otherwise. This term is subject to seeing the final artwork to confirm any quotes. Final invoices will reflect the quantity shipped, not the quantity quoted (see Invoiced Quantity).


We fully stand behind our work. If for any reason our suppliers make a mistake printing your order and it is not what was agreed upon and falls outside of these Custom Order Policies, we will gladly reprint your order within 10 business days. We do not offer refunds.

Finance Charges

Any orders that are late on payment by 10 days or more will incur interest of 1.5% per month dating back to the invoice date. A $50 late fee will also be added to the invoice.


Orders that are cancelled prior to printing will be subject to a Cancellation Fee based on the total order value. Cancellations will not be accepted once shirts have been printed. Cancellation fees are as follows:

Returned Checks

There is a $30 charge for returned checks. The subsequent payment must be made with cash or a cashiers check.